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So What Goes on at a Tots Play Conference?
You may know that Tots Play operates as a franchise, which means that each area is run as a separate business, and these businesses are...

Feather Fun!
As you prepare for the arrival of your bundle of joy you will probably be filled with excitement as you buy all the latest and greatest...

Epic October at Tots Play!
October has started out to be a fantastic month and will surly end the same way. Not only because I have started my Christmas shopping...

What Makes Tots Play Different
These days there are a lot of different groups and classes you can take a baby or toddler to, so how do you decide which one is right for...

Tots Play Wins National Award!
Time to Celebrate! Lots of celebrations going on at Tots Play this week as we are very excited to announce that we have won a national...

Super September at Tots Play
So September might mean that Summer starts to become a distance memory and we start to dig out the jumpers and boots to welcome Autumn,...

Why Baby Yoga is good for You and Your Baby
Yoga can be translated to mean ’unite’ and there is no relationship where unity is more important than that of parent and child. Perhaps...

5 Great Reasons to Use Sign Language With Your Baby
Using sign language with your little one is such a valuable and useful tool that we incorporate signing activities into all our classes...

July Jaunts
July is here and so are the summer holidays. The weather has been glorious (with some much needed rain this week). July sees the end of...

What every New Parent Needs to Know About Colic
Just the word colic can fill you with dread as a new parent. It is so common that we all know at least one exhausted mum struggling with...
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