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Feather Fun!
As you prepare for the arrival of your bundle of joy you will probably be filled with excitement as you buy all the latest and greatest...

Feeding Your Child's Senses
It may not be the first thing you think of, but food is an amazing resource to use in sensory play with your baby or toddler. It serves...

5 Great Reasons to Use Sign Language With Your Baby
Using sign language with your little one is such a valuable and useful tool that we incorporate signing activities into all our classes...

Jubilant June at Tots Play
Can you believe we are now half way through the year! The sun is shining, school is almost finished for another year and the summer fun...

Activities to Keep Your Baby Cool in the Heat
Before you had your baby, I am sure you longed for endless hot days when you could sunbathe lazily, topping up your tan and enjoying the...

So what happens at a Discovery Tots class?
Discovery Tots is a baby class especially for little ones from around 8 weeks until confidently crawling or starting to walk. Sessions...

Marvellous March at Tots Play
We hope you have enjoyed the month of March with all the madness it brought! Who would have thought that we would have had so much snow!...

Easter Fun for Very Little Ones
For little ones not ready for egg hunts in the garden or devouring lots of chocolate (a shame that you will have to have their share!)...

How to Help Your Baby Love Tummy Time
Why is Tummy Time Important? You may have heard about “tummy time” and know that it is important for young babies to spend time on their...

Mother’s Day Gifts From Baby to Nanny
You never stop being a mum. Even when your baby grows up and has babies of their own. So if this year marks your own first Mothers Day...
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