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15 Simple Sensory Play Ideas (for 15 Years of Tots Play!)
Simple sensory play ideas to try at home.
Reinventing the Baby Class - Introducing Baby Tranquil
At Tots Play we've been supporting parents and babies for 15 years, and while many of the joys and challenges of the early days with a...
5 Simple Ways to Help Your Child's Language Development (right from day one)
As you hold your new-born baby, you probably find it hard to imagine them chatting away but it isn’t long before they are forming words...
The Benefits of Balance Bikes for Learning through Play
Guest Post by Karen Wood, Founder of Kidvelo Balance Bikes. Play matters. It is how babies and children primarily learn about the world...
So what happens at a Social Tots class?
If you've got a baby on the move or an inquisitive toddler, then you might be wondering what kind of class would be right for them. We...
How Play=Learning!
Do you wonder why we include such a wide variety of activities in our Tots Play classes? The reason is that young children learn best...
How to Spot the Difference between Colic and Silent Reflux
Both colic and silent reflux are very difficult conditions to deal with. When your baby is suffering, you are suffering. Both colic and...
When Does My Baby Stop Being My Baby?
Well according to Wikipedia once your child reaches one they are officially a toddler and this label will stick with them until their...
Games to Enjoy With Your Toddler
There are many expensive toys you can buy for your baby and many that claim to have great educational benefits. Although there are some...
Getting the Most from an Online Baby or Toddler Class
When you thought about enrolling your little one into a baby or toddler class you may not have imagined doing the class in your living...
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