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5 Simple Ways to Help Your Child's Language Development (right from day one)
As you hold your new-born baby, you probably find it hard to imagine them chatting away but it isn’t long before they are forming words...

So what happens at a Social Tots class?
If you've got a baby on the move or an inquisitive toddler, then you might be wondering what kind of class would be right for them. We...

When Does My Baby Stop Being My Baby?
Well according to Wikipedia once your child reaches one they are officially a toddler and this label will stick with them until their...

Games to Enjoy With Your Toddler
There are many expensive toys you can buy for your baby and many that claim to have great educational benefits. Although there are some...

Making the Most Of Time With Your Toddler
Head to your local toy store with a couple of hundred pounds and a toddler, you will be lucky to make it out with a penny change. There...

Surprising Reasons Why Your Toddler Should Tidy Up
Getting a toddler to tidy up is usually easier than it will be when they are a teenager, but it can still be a challenge. Introducing it...

Outdoor Games to Play with Toddlers
Summer is officially here! The sun is shining down (intermittently!) on Tots Play headquarters, so we felt inspired to share some of our...

Epic October at Tots Play!
October has started out to be a fantastic month and will surly end the same way. Not only because I have started my Christmas shopping...

What If My Toddler Doesn't Like Joining In?
As a parent you probably choose to take your child to a class like Tots Play so you can not only spend quality time together, have fun...

Encouraging Your Tot to Socialise
As your baby gets older and toddles their way into toddlerhood it becomes more important that they have opportunities to interact with...
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