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A Very Glittery Christmas
Christmas is a magical time and your little one will be mesmerised with the visual delights. This festive time of year provides so many...

How Does My Baby Learn Colours?
Babies cannot recognise colours at birth; in fact despite the amount of colourful baby toys on the market, children only start to...

Give Your Toddler's Brain a Boost
Your toddler’s brain has been through huge physical and psychological changes in its short little life span. The first three years are...

5 Simple Ways to Help Your Child's Language Development (right from day one)
As you hold your new-born baby, you probably find it hard to imagine them chatting away but it isn’t long before they are forming words...

Edible Play
At Tots Play we know that young children learn best when using their whole body and all their senses. They naturally learn from the world...

How Play=Learning!
Do you wonder why we include such a wide variety of activities in our Tots Play classes? The reason is that young children learn best...

When Does My Baby Stop Being My Baby?
Well according to Wikipedia once your child reaches one they are officially a toddler and this label will stick with them until their...

Smelly Play!
Following from our last post about the importance of their sense of smell for babies and young children, today we share a few ideas to...

Games to Enjoy With Your Toddler
There are many expensive toys you can buy for your baby and many that claim to have great educational benefits. Although there are some...

10 Household Items Your Tot Will Love to Play With
You can spend literally thousands of pounds on toys for babies and toddlers but as many parents will tell you, the child often ends up...
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