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Sensory Play with Contrasts and Opposites
Why Do Sensory Play? Play is often called the work of a child, and research shows that babies and young children learn much more from...

When Will Your Baby Start to Sign?
A question we are asked frequently at Tots Play is "WHEN do babies start to sign?" . Kaye, our franchisee for Newport and Cwmbran,...

Spring Time Antics at Tots Play!
Spring is in the air and the sun is making an appearance finally! We love this time of year as it makes us smile and puts a spring back...

The Benefits of Taking Your Baby Out for a Walk
As we talk about a lot at Tots Play, when it comes to supporting your new baby's development, things you may think of as simple are often...

Helping Your Baby Develop Their Motor Skills
Watching our babies grow and develop is such an enormously rewarding part of being a parent. It can also be a time though when, rightly...

10 Years of Tots Play
10 years! Starting a business is not unlike having a baby. It needs lots of your time, lots of patience and lots of nurturing. You try...

Massage and the Digestive System - A Personal Account
As we have mentioned in other blog posts and of course talk about during Tots Play classes, massaging your baby can have benefits for...

3 Surprising Things You Can Learn At A Baby Class
There are lot of different baby classes you and your new bundle of joy can go to and, especially if this is your first baby, they can...

How to Enjoy Being a Parent in 2019
For many of our Tots Play families, 2018 was a year to remember - the year they welcomed a new little member of their family into the...

Making a Christmas Sensory Basket
This time of year brings endless opportunities for your little one to use all their senses to take in everything happening around them....
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