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Baby Sign Language - Getting Started
What is Baby Sign Language? Do you ever wonder what's going on in your baby's head and wish you had a way to understand what they were...

What Every New Parent Needs to Know About Colic
Just the word colic can fill you with dread as a new parent. It is so common that we all know at least one exhausted mum struggling with...

5 Ways You Can Encourage Crawling
Watching as your baby starts to crawl is a proud moment, one quickly followed by hiding all the breakables at baby height! Crawling is...

Surprising Reasons Why Your Toddler Should Tidy Up
Getting a toddler to tidy up is usually easier than it will be when they are a teenager, but it can still be a challenge. Introducing it...

Benefits of Massage For Your Baby's Skin
Massage on any of us affects the body inside and out; it is more than just a pleasurable experience. A few simple massage strokes shared...

Help Your Child Be a Super Learner
Time and again, both research and experience shows that babies and toddlers get a lot more out of interactive play than they do from...

Beach Ball Fun For Babies
AIthough it might not be beach weather outside, a beach ball offers year round opportunities for play time fun with your baby, and they...

When Will Your Baby Start to Sign?
A question we are asked frequently at Tots Play is "WHEN do babies start to sign?" . Kaye, our franchisee for Newport and Cwmbran,...

Helping Your Baby Develop Their Motor Skills
Watching our babies grow and develop is such an enormously rewarding part of being a parent. It can also be a time though when, rightly...

Friendship Tots!
Having a baby opens up a whole world of new experiences, but can also be a very isolating when you are thrown into that world without an...
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