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5 Ways You Can Encourage Crawling
Watching as your baby starts to crawl is a proud moment, one quickly followed by hiding all the breakables at baby height! Crawling is...

Worried About Attending a Baby Class? Here's Why That's the Best Reason to Join One!
Having a baby is a wonderful thing in so many ways, but it certainly turns your life upside down! The first few weeks tend to go by in a...

7 Ways You Can Treasure Your Baby's First Christmas
Your baby might not be so aware but their first Christmas is an incredibly special milestone to most parents and, if this will be your...

When Will Your Baby Start to Sign?
A question we are asked frequently at Tots Play is "WHEN do babies start to sign?" . Kaye, our franchisee for Newport and Cwmbran,...

10 Years of Tots Play
10 years! Starting a business is not unlike having a baby. It needs lots of your time, lots of patience and lots of nurturing. You try...

Massage and the Digestive System - A Personal Account
As we have mentioned in other blog posts and of course talk about during Tots Play classes, massaging your baby can have benefits for...

What's New at Tots Play this Winter?
A warm welcome to our latest blog updating you on all things Tots Play! We love the start of a new year as it brings along new beginnings...

Do you have these fears about starting a franchise? (here's how to overcome them)
Starting and owning a franchise can be a scary prospect, you are taking your hard-earned cash and a leap of faith that your new venture...

3 Surprising Things You Can Learn At A Baby Class
There are lot of different baby classes you and your new bundle of joy can go to and, especially if this is your first baby, they can...

Nonstop November at Tots Play
Well, November brought the cold weather with it, but Winter being on the way is no cause for sadness here at Tots Play! In fact, a place...
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