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Mother’s Day Gifts From Baby to Nanny
You never stop being a mum. Even when your baby grows up and has babies of their own. So if this year marks your own first Mothers Day...

Fabulous February at Tots Play
February has been jam packed with events and special sessions from Valentine’s Day to Shrove Tuesday. The first half term is over and we...

Oxytocin - The Chemical of Love
Becoming attached with your baby is a chemical process and the main hormone required is oxytocin or as some would call it, the “love...

Sensory Fun in the Kitchen
Sensory play doesn’t need to be complicated or expensive. For lots of great ways to help your baby learn and explore using their senses...

How Bubbles Help Boost Development
Bubbles are an inexpensive, simple and easy activity to enjoy with your baby, or toddler, but don’t let this fool you into thinking it's...

What is sensory play and why do it?
What is Sensory Play? Babies and young children explore and learn about the world using their whole body and all their senses. As adults,...

Encouraging Your Child To Talk
Your baby was hardwired to communicate from the moment they were born. Initially the only way they could converse was to scream at you....

Why Your Baby Loves a Cuddle
A newborn baby needs very little; it will be some years before they start demanding bikes and computer games. Apart from feeding and...

To The Mum Who is Nervous About Going to a Baby class
You are not alone. While you may like the idea of going to a baby class, we know that actually attending can be a different matter...

Baby Massage – a DIY Spa Session For You and Baby
We all love a good massage and our babies are no different. As new mums the idea of a spa day may seem as likely as a good night’s sleep...
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