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Easter Fun for Very Little Ones

For little ones not ready for egg hunts in the garden or devouring lots of chocolate (a shame that you will have to have their share!) there are still lots of ways to enjoy some Easter play times. Try these as a starting point and see where your child's interests and your imagination lead you.

Porridge Tray Treasure Hunt

The porridge tray is always a big hit at classes, providing a wonderful sensory experience by itself. This is simply a tub or bowl of some sort that is easy and big enough for your little one to access partially filled with porridge oats. Collect some small Easter or Spring themed toys such as plastic eggs, duck, bunny or frog toys or anything that is a colour that reminds you of Easter or Spring, hide them in the porridge and help your little one hunt for them.


These small plastic eggs can be easily found in supermarkets or craft shops at this time of year and can be used for all sorts of fun games with your baby or toddler. This could be as simple as rolling them along the ground for your baby to watch or toddler to chase, as they go in a different direction than they would perhaps expect.

You could make them into shakers by part filling with rice, lentils, dried peas or small pasta shapes and securing around the join with electrical tape. Try making pairs of shakers with the same contents and see if your child can match the sounds.

Another idea would be to fill each egg with an Easter surprise, such as the small animal toys mentioned earlier, some coloured ribbon or different textures that might remind you of Easter or Spring such as cotton wool for the woollen coat of the baby lambs. Sit with your little one and open

each one in turn, exploring the contents for as long as he or she would like.

For a visual treat, you may also be able to get hold of clear eggs like these, which you can fill with a variety of smaller Easter themed items to stimulate the sense of sight. Make sure you seal them well and simply give to your little one to explore however they would like.

Easter Sing-a-long

Sing your favourite Easter or Spring themed songs, lots of which have fun actions or movements to go with them. From the traditional Hot Cross Buns to songs about Bunnies, Ducks or Frogs there are lots to choose from. Favourites from Tots Play classes include Dabbling Ducks and Little Green Frogs (listen to or Download all your favourite Tots Play songs HERE). You could use your egg shakers (from Eggsploring) to accompany your singing for even more fun and benefits for your little one’s development.

One of our Social Tots Dabbling with the Ducks at the bottom of the pond!

Easter Signing

How about learning a few new signs to practice with your baby over Easter? Here's the link to a video one of our lovely franchisees, Lynn, from Lichfield and Cannock made showing a few you might like to try along with a song to add to your singalong and have some signing fun with.

Play to Learn this Easter

All these activities will help your child to develop a range of skills including sensory awareness, co-ordination, problem solving, speech and language and lots more. Each time a new object is explored or something new is experienced messages are sent to the brain, creating pathways that form the foundation for all future learning. This learning is most effective however, when the experience is fun and involves interaction with their favourite playmate – you, so no matter what you do go and enjoy some fun play times together this Easter.

Easter at Tots Play

There are lots of Tots Play Easter parties and activities happening at locations across the country to celebrate the season, so do check with your local class leader to find out what's on near you and come and join in the fun. You can find out where your nearest classes are HERE.

From everyone at Tots Play, have a wonderful Easter and Happy Playing!

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