What’s it Like to be a Tots Play Business Owner?
Those who come on board as Tots Play business owners do so for many different reasons and each has their own story to tell, but there is lots that they all have in common too. Being part of a team that all share the same vision and are there to support each other on their journey is one of the great benefits of joining a franchise, but what is that journey really like?
To help you get a clearer picture, here is the story of one of these business owners. If you are wondering if investing in a franchise is for you then this real life experience may help you understand what’s in store from the perspective of someone who has already taken the leap.
This is Amy’s story….

My Past Life
Before I became self employed with Tots Play I was in a very different career; I was a Primary School teacher. For 10 years I travelled and taught around the world in the UK, U.S.A, Abu Dhabi and Shanghai, China.
Although teaching has huge rewards, there was a lot of paperwork, planning and marking to do outside of the classroom. I didn’t want so much of my free time taken up by work anymore. I realised that teaching is less of a family friendly career these days and I started to look for something more flexible.
My Introduction to Tots Play
I loved the idea of being my own boss and setting my own hours which I could work around my family. In the area I lived there wasn’t a lot for young babies and there were no sensory play classes at all, so I decided that it would be a good opportunity for me to build up a business.
Before buying the franchise for Kettering I looked at what else was available for babies and toddlers in the area and how successful they were. I saw a gap in the market for multi-activity classes so I knew that it was the right decision for me. Financially, I had to weigh up how much I thought I could make from the classes and whether I’d be able to earn similar to the income that I was earning as a teacher. For me it wasn’t a difficult decision, as I was determined to make a success of it and therefore put all my energy into it.

The Early Days
It’s like joining a family when you join the franchise and Helen is always on hand to answer questions. We also have a Tots Play franchisee group on Facebook and all of the other franchisees are great at answering questions and sharing ideas, particularly in the beginning.
When I launched classes I offered a free taster sessions for the different age groups. All of my classes were fully booked and I was so pleased to get some sign ups afterwards. The classes didn’t run perfectly, but I did my best, smiled and enjoyed it!
My Tots Play Business Now
My classes are lots of fun and I have lots of parents who sign up term after term! It’s so lovely and rewarding to see the babies grow from tiny babies in the Baby Development Course to toddlers in Social Tots.
I’ve been able to build up a successful business through Tots Play and I have waiting lists for most of my classes. I am able to drop my little boy at nursery and pick him up, as well as spend time with him on my days off. My admin work is slotted in around him and his bedtimes and this works very well for us.
Financially, I earn as much as what I would’ve done teaching part-time but I have far more fun! I’m also preparing to welcome my second baby into the world and I’ve been lucky enough to find a fantastic lady who will cover my classes for my maternity leave.

If I could give advice for a new Tots Play owner I would say…
Look at what is available in your area, concentrate your marketing on how unique our classes are and try not to feel threatened by any competition. It has actually helped to build relationships with other business owners as we sometimes cross promote where possible.
Being able to decide when you work and work things around your family is joyful. Just be prepared for it to be a bit of a roller coaster at first, and there will be ups and downs. It takes at least 9 months to build a successful business and for word to get around about how amazing the classes are. So, don’t give up!
Learn more about Amy’s classes…
I run classes in Kettering and Barton Seagrave, Northamptonshire. Booking is available here: www.totsplay.co.uk/kettering. Check out our Facebook page for lots of photos and reviews: www.facebook.com/totsplaykettering.
Could it be for you?
If you like the sound of running your own, successful, yet family friendly business like Amy then you can take the first step towards it by requesting an information pack today. Simple click HERE and enter your details for instant access.
You might also like to join the special Facebook group we have set up for people considering a franchise with us, where you can ask questions and get more of a feel for what Tots Play is all about. You can find the group HERE.
What's Your Story?
We know that you have your own unique story to tell and future you want to work towards. If you are starting to feel that a Tots Play franchise might make the perfect next chapter in that story, then rest assured that our experienced team will work with you on an individual basis to help you create a business you will love and that is just right for you.
We would love to be telling your story here sometime in the future, so get in touch today and that future could be here sooner than you think!
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