Jubilant June at Tots Play
Can you believe we are now half way through the year! The sun is shining, school is almost finished for another year and the summer fun is soon to start!
Before we get to our summer plans lets update you all about the world of Tots Play
New Office, New Team Member and New Classes June saw us moving into our brand new office here at Tots Play HQ. You are keeping us so busy that we needed more space and to add a new member of staff to our head office team. Let us introduce you to the lovely Jayne, who will be helping us with a variety of operational and marketing activities in our bit to keep improving the service we offer you. We are very excited to welcome her and you may get the opportunity for a chat too if you are calling the office.

We have also had new classes launched in Okehampton in Devon, with Sarah

and Coalville in Leicestershire, with Kate this month, with fantastic feedback - thanks so much for all your support.

Want to join in the fun and start your own Tots Play classes? Find out more about our franchise programme HERE.
Please Vote for Tots Play! (deadline approaching) I know, I know another award! What can we say you guys are just loving and supporting us so much this year. This award is not in the bag just yet, and there are just a couple of weeks left of voting, so we would really appreciate your help. Winning awards like these help us to spread the word, so if you have enjoyed your experience with Tots Play and think we might be worthy of the award, we would be so grateful if you would be kind enough to take a moment to vote for us. (it's really quick - promise!). Every vote counts, so please do share and ask all your friends to vote too.
Simple click HERE (or copy and paste https://www.whatson4littleones.co.uk/award-voting.asp) and vote for Tots Play in category 16, Best Franchised Baby and Toddler Activity, and that's it! Thanks so much.

Keeping Cool We all love the sunshine but keeping your little ones cool can be a challenge when it is gloriously hot. Have you seen the latest blog for hints and tip about keeping your little one cool? If not you can read all about it HERE. Don’t want to miss out on blogs like this in the future then why not sign up through our website HERE to receive them straight to your inbox.

Summer sessions If you are making plans for the summer holidays many of our franchisees run summer sessions throughout July and August. To find out when and where summer sessions are in your area then either click HERE to find you nearest classes, most are open to all, whether or not you currently attend or have been to classes before. If you do currently attend classes then your class leader will have more details. Now you don’t have to miss out on all of the fun of Tots Play through the summer!

This month our Tots have been loving ………. Contrasts Sensory play is vital for your growing baby, it provides them with limitless opportunities to play and learn, it has a huge role to play in your child’s physical, emotion and brain development. Each week through our sensory collections we offer various experiences to support this development.
Experiencing contrasts encourages the maturity of the senses, aids awareness and develops the skill of differentiation. Contrasts week is all giving your little one the opportunity to explore the concept of contrasts through a variety of engaging resources and activities.

Think about it; how can you know that something is soft until you have touched something hard? How can you know something is bumpy until you have touched something smooth? How do you know that something smells sweet until you have smelt something sour etc... these experiences are what contrasts week is all about.

This is another activity that is simple to try at home, so why not give it a go and share a picture or message on our Facebook page with some of the contrasts you find.
What You Tell Us We love hearing all about your experiences at Tots Play and how you and your little one have enjoyed and benefitted from the classes. Here's just one of the reviews we have received this month from Bronwyn McGeorge in the Scottish Borders, who gave us 5*. Thanks so much Bronwyn.
"A friend of mine recommended tots play and I am so glad she did! I have loved attending the baby development course with my wee boy. We have enjoyed the sensory play, the baby yoga and massage and getting to know other moms and babies. It is a great way to learn how to play with your new baby. Learning things like how to make sensory objects and baby sign language which will all help with your babies development. It has been fantastic. We look forward to starting discovery tots in the Autumn!"
Picture of the Month
This lovely happy lady is enjoying playing with the scarves at our Oldham Class. Simple resources can often be the most fun, this little lady is clearly having a great time. . Lots of the fun you have at Tots Play can be carried on at home through our readily available resources. Ask your class leader about any items in class that you might want to add to your home sensory and play collections.

So that's another month done - we can't wait to share even more Tots Play fun with you this July. See you then and Happy Playing!
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